Terms and Conditions for Street


Welcome to Street, a local marketplace for buying and selling second-hand items. By accessing our services, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Account Registration

Users must log in using Google or Apple, which will capture the user's name, surname. Before posting an ad, users must complete their profile. This second step requires a phone number, address and a username.

Personal information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Posting Ads

Users can create ads with one or more photos. Our AI generates a suggested price, title, description, category, and condition, which users can modify before final submission.

Users are responsible for the accuracy and legality of their ad content.

Content Guidelines

Users are required to adhere strictly to our content guidelines, which prohibit the posting of any objectionable content. This includes, but is not limited to, content that is offensive, abusive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening, or violates the rights of others (such as privacy rights or intellectual property rights).

Street reserves the right to remove any content that violates these guidelines and to suspend or terminate the accounts of users who post such content. Actions taken by Street to enforce these guidelines do not assume liability for the content posted by users and do not constitute an endorsement of any user-generated content.

By using our services, you agree to comply with these content guidelines and acknowledge that failing to do so may result in the removal of your content and potential suspension of your account.

Browsing Ads

Ads are displayed on an OpenStreetMap interface. Users can zoom in/out and search using a free text field. Multiple items in one location can be indicated.

Ads are listed according to proximity, based on current GPS location, and can be sorted by distance.

Clicking on an ad reveals detailed information, including photos, title, price, description, address, seller's contact, and profile link.

User Profile and Ad Management

Users can view their active ads and edit personal information like address, phone number, and name.

Users have the option to modify or delete their ads.

Platform Compatibility

The service is designed for phone and tablet use.

General Provisions

Street reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. Continued use of the service implies acceptance of the revised terms.

Street is not responsible for transactions or interactions between users.

These terms are governed by French law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of France.

Contact Information

For any queries or support, please contact christian.bodt@gmail.com.